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Meet the Mushers

Learn more about Jenny and Michael, the two-legged human members of the pack here at SMSD!

Jenny Roddewig
Years Mushing: 20+
Notable Races: Race to the Sky 350 (1st and Best Kept Team), Beargrease Marathon (5th), Beargrease 120 (1st and Rookie of the Year), Eagle Cap Extreme (1st and Best Kept Team), Race to the Sky 100 (numerous 1st and 2nd and Best Kept Teams), Jr. Iditarod (5th, 5th, 3rd, and 2-time Best Kept Team and 2-time Blue Harness), T-Dog 110 (3rd), Red River 150 (7th and Sportsmanship), and multiple IPSSSDRs.
Jenny has been mushing since before she can even remember! As a baby, she would ride in her dad’s sled as he trained his team. She started out racing her dad’s dogs in small kid races before getting her own team as a teenager and starting to run longer distance races. Jenny took a pause on competitive racing to finish her college degree, during which time she met and married Michael. While racing was on pause, they did backcountry winter camping trips by dog team including an annual week-long trip into the Gravelly Mountains of Montana. They moved from Montana to Fairbanks in 2022 and have been bringing up a young race team to get back into some racing. They both still enjoy camping and traveling with their dogs and continue to do so in between training for races.
Sled dogs have always been a part of her life and she is very passionate about the musher lifestyle and caring for these amazing canine companions and athletes as part of her own family.

Michael Roddewig
Years Mushing: 10
Notable Races: T-Dog 110 (2nd)
Michael always loved working with animals and had spent years reading all the books he could find on mushing, wilderness camping, and traveling by dog team across Alaska. He taught his malamute, Yukon, to skijor and they went on many winter camping and cabin trips across Montana. This led him to volunteering for Jenny as a handler and at the end of the season he asked her out. A year and a half later they were married!
Michael most enjoys the deep bond that he develops with the dogs and working together as a team to travel across the wilderness. He is excited that he and Jenny made it to Alaska while it’s still a wild frontier.